Monday, July 13, 2015

Grace, Mercy & Peace

Hello Faithers,
  I want to share a quick and easy way to add color to a page and stamps without having to prep your page with gesso first.  Using a heavy body acrylic paint like Dina Wakelys, or Liquitex and an old credit card!  It only takes less than a pea size of each of the colors to do one page.  Let it dry between each layer, so the colors layer and not blend.  Then when you stamp on it with the ink the paint acts as the barrier and it doesn't bleed through.
   Another peek at the new stamp sets that will be revealed on Wednesday!!  So excited for you to see them and get them into your hands so you can play with them also.
   For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 2 Tim 1:7
I am always encouraged by the verses that remind us of the power we have at our disposal through our faith in Christ.  The same power that raised him from the grave!  All we need to do is believe and accept His grace and mercy.

I the color splash!

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