Friday, July 31, 2015

Insignificant Gifts

Hi Faithers,   Reading this book, Twelve Ordinary Men" by John MacArthur and really enjoying getting to know the 12 apostles better. He has good insight into the kind of personality each had from reading the scriptures. Like Andrew never preached to the crowds but that he brought people to Christ personally one by one. And he saw the insignificant meal that the boy had to offer, but he brought him to Jesus anyway, believing Jesus would use it somehow.  I was inspired by someones post of this verse, but can't seem to find it now....but thanks for the inspiration of the 5 loaves and 2 fish!
It doesn't matter what we matters if we have it in the right hands.....the hands of Jesus.  He can make everything matter and count not matter the size!
Let's give it all to God! 

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