Friday, August 14, 2015

Water to Wine

Hi Faithers......I am studying through the book of John and Jesus first miracle really stood out.  It has so much spiritual meaning. The fact that it happened at a wedding symbolized that Jesus is the bridegroom and we the church are his bride.  Also, the fact of the ritual washing of water that will change to a spiritual washing of his blood.  If you are looking for a deep way of studying check out the Journibles at Christian Book.  I'm not using their journals, but my own and copying scripture.  I pray before I study for an open heart and insight into what God wants to reveal to me through the words I'm writing.  By taking the time and writing every word of scripture down really gives you time to let it sink and and time to meditate on the words.  The Spirit has really lead me deep in this kind of study and then it takes me deeper into illustrating it in my bible.
    I found the image on Google and drew it staight in my Bible with Prismacolor pencils and gamsol.  A little washi tape to jazz it up some. 
Blessing to you today!

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